Team Black Dog Update #2Real Men Ride Posties
Team Black Dog have motored their way up the incredible Western Australian coast on their trusty posties… and have begun their adventure east and onto the Gibb River Road… Not without some challenges along the way…
Day five Team Black Dog headed 230km further up the coast to the beautiful town of Exmouth, on the tip of the North West Cape. This day consists of fireworks, helmet decoration, stunning views of the Indian Ocean and a trip to the Whale Bone Brewery in Exmouth, where the legendary staff threw a jug around the bar and gathered $300 in donations for the Black Dog Institute.
Day six doesn’t disappoint, with more extraordinary Australian scenery, a random spot of lush green grass in the middle of nowhere, a massive digger bucket in Fortescue, stopping for a selfie at the ‘Welcome to Karratha’ sign before calling it a day at Mundabullangana Station, a further 165km north of Karratha.
Day seven, and Team Black Dog have another 340km north under their belts. Heading north along the coast for their last big stretch before turning east in a few days’ time. Wazza’s fuel stop attire is exceptional! Putting a little perspective into the boy’s journey north, a picture of a postie bike beside the passing road train is a very intimidating experience, even from where we sit behind out desks!!
The team end day seven making their way down the brilliant red sandy road leading to Barn Hill Beach Side Station, approx. 90km south of Broome. I must say, the new office is very inviting!
Days eight to ten, Team Black Dog are in Broome, at Camp Pit stop, preparing to head east along the Gibb River Road. The initial plan of one night in Broome, turned into three nights, as Barry’s bike broke down. Parts were ordered, and due to be delivered by Greyhound from the NT. BUT the Greyhound bus broke down in Kununurra and was a day late getting into Broome.
The boys made the most of the forced down time, taking their bikes for a ‘wave ride ’along Cable Beach, beside the camels, enjoying the incredible sunset. Jason and Barry decided to drum up some further donations by getting into their onesies and taking to the streets of Broome. Their time was further spent stocking up on supplies, washing their bikes, and preparing the posties with dirt tires for the terrain ahead.
Gibb River Road is a former cattle route that stretches almost 660km through the rugged Kimberley wilderness, from Derby (approx. 200km East of Broome) to Kununurra on Western Australia’s eastern border. Featuring spectacular landscape of intensely coloured ranges, dramatic gorges and lush rock pools and waterfalls.
The boys are heading into the most challenging terrain of their 4000km ride north, already suffering the extreme discomfort of riding a postie bike for 11 full days… add to it the lack of sleep, mostly due to Ryan’s snoring! Help them bring it home by reaching their goal of $20k for the Black Dog Institute, only $3.5k to go!
Stay tuned for further updates from Team Black Dog, and their journey along Gibbs River Road raising awareness and funds for mental health.