Northern Territory PartnershipVAE Group partner with Select Services Air Conditioning and Refrigeration in the Northern Territory
Media Release: Territory company Select Services partners with VAE Group
Friday, 12 July 2019
Northern Territory company Select Services Air Conditioning and Refrigeration has entered into a partnership with Brisbane based VAE Group.
The move will see Select Services join a group of over 300 employees with six office locations in Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
VAE Group Chief Executive Officer, Ben Carter said the partnership was an exciting development for two highly compatible businesses, providing opportunities for employees and valued customers to benefit from shared best practices in HVAC systems across engineering, construction and maintenance activities in buildings of all sizes within the Northern Territory.
“Our companies have been working informally in partnership in the Northern Territory on projects, including Mindil Beach Casino Resort and Manunda Place, over the past six months. We hold similar values and philosophies in doing business, with an emphasis on trust and integrity.
“As part of our partnership, Jason Walsh remains financially invested in the company, and is taking on the role of Northern Territory Branch Manager moving forward.”
For Territory customers, it’s business as usual, with the same Select Services high-quality service remaining.
“Our greatest asset has always been our people, and by joining forces we have a huge increase in the quality of that asset. We will continue to lead the business locally, supported by more resources and greater capabilities to continue to drive value for customers whilst offering a wider range of services,” Mr Jason Walsh, NT Branch Manager, said.
Select Services Air Conditioning and Refrigeration has been operating in the Northern Territory for over eight years.
VAE started business in 1997, and provides engineering, construction and management of ‘Smarter HVAC Solutions’.